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Burundi is another node in the network of spaces and communities, which make up the world crossing the art, science, and technologies. Datalab collects and creatively uses information. Studio brings together technically oriented fans and artists in the collaborative projects. Displej is the convergence of the new media gallery, cinema and presentation space. Press releases both online and printed publications on new media. Burundi is located at A4.
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past events
burundi members decided few months ago to disolve the association. we left A4 space in summer and the association itself doesn't exist since 1.1.2006 - the web page will be on until end of this year.
all members will continue in activities started in burundi individually or in other groups: 13m3 (13 kubíkov), itchy bit, citylab etc.
for details write to these addresses: klik♥13m3.sk, itchybit♥itchybit.sk, lbn♥gmx.li, dusan♥idealnypartner.sk
thank you
added by marisa from datalab on Fr 06 jan 10.27am
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Two more weeks Miroslav Karić from Belgrade will be visiting us + working here. Miroslav works for REMONT (sth like BURUNDI) and he is a curator and writes for magazine Remont. If you feel like meeting and talking to him or maybe even show him your art do not hesitate and come. But before you do that call 0905 360 662 or e-mail at press@burundi.sk to set up the date.
added by man from displej on Tu 24 may 10.20am
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Hi, we have here for few weeks guest from Great Britain, artist and curator Anthony Auerbach. Next weekend he will present his project Video as Urban Condition in authentic environment of the V-club bar in the same building like our space Burundi/A4 zero space. If you are interested to bring your videos to Video-Cafe, to present your works to Anthony or just to meet him, show him something from the city and talk, write to us at look@burundi.sk or straight to Anthony (http://www.vargas.org.uk/contact) Many thanks to British Council for help...
added by marisa from displej on Fr 04 mar 03.22pm
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MEMORYSTYQUE - nový projekt datalabu. začali sme zbierať videá nahraté mobilmi a foťákmi. ak máte akýkoľvek materiál, ktorý ste ochotní venovať datalabu, ozvite sa nám. vymyslíme, čo s filmíkmi ďalej, sú to výborné veci...

ľudia cestujú
ľudia majú zvieratá
ľudia sa zabávajú
ľudia chodia do prírody
added by marisa from datalab on Mo 14 feb 04.42pm
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added by man from press on Th 13 jan 11.15am


Burundi Datalab
Experimental laboratory working with information on several levels.
Enter Burundi Datalab page.
Burundi Studio
Brings together technically oriented fans and artists in the collaborative projects.
Enter Burundi Studio page.
Burundi Displej
The convergence of the new media gallery, cinema and presentation space.
Enter Burundi Displej page.
Burundi Press
BURUNDI Press publishes both online and printed literature on new media.
Enter Burundi Press page.
Weekly mailing list providing information about (cultural) events in Bratislava and the surrounding area (Slovakia, Vienna, Brno, Prague, Budapest, Krakow, Internet, etc.) - register at maria@buryzone.info.
Knižnica Majky z Gurunu
Distributed Library Project is a shared library catalog, where you can set up your library node and share your books and videos.
Osobný informačný priestor
Konto na stránke Burundi s možnosťou ukladať a organizovať si informácie získané (nielen) v Datalabe.
Translab is crossdisciplinary collaborative online research project studying keywords by microstories.
Keywords are selected as to reflect the current global tendencies of the border of art, social studies, politics and science, such as remix, simulacra, realtime, algorithm.
Microstory is a summary of the media event narrative, such as art object, product, performance, theory.
Enter Translab.
Citylab is comprehensive information cross-disciplinary project creating space for communication and creating a dialog between public and creators of urban and architectural space. The project is trying to motivate public to more sensitive and creative perception of living environment and architectural space. It will consist of lectures, discussions, walks, research, workshops and events related to architecture and urban planning.
Enter Citylab.
The research-in-progress wiki devoted to the European digital territory.
Enter Monoskop.
Sophistes is a non-commercial, scholarly project dedicated to providing assistance in locating appropriate textual contexts and translation conventions in the growing field of the humanities.
Enter Sophistes.
  logo by ján šicko
web by dusan at satooori